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Story of DMT a simple compound found throughout the nature which has profound effect on human consciousness

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), also known as N,N-dimethyltryptamine, is a naturally-occurring tryptamine found in various animals, fungi, and plants. These tryptamines are often used by humans for their psychoactive properties, although not all tryptamines are psychoactive.
DMT can be found in many species of plants. Genera such as acacia, anadenanthera, mimosa, piptadenia, and virola are some examples. DMT is rumoured to be produced in the pineal gland of human.
DMT exists in our brains in order to provide consciousness, a necessary mechanism as a spirit molecule allowing us to gain access to non-material realms.
DMT is the most powerful psychedelic know to man.

According to researcher and psychiatrist, Rick Strassman MD, “A fundamental role of DMT in our consciousness is suggested by the brain's actively transporting DMT into its confines, using precious energy. DMT may be a spirit molecule, naturally produced and capable of transporting us to different states of mind and unimaginable realms of experience. The pineal gland seemed to me the most likely place to look for this endogenous DMT.”
He investigated the effects of DMT by giving high doses to 60 volunteers over five years. He concluded that the pineal gland releases DMT when a person nears death, and that DMT connects us to the spirit world.

Many cultures have ingested DMT as a hallucinogenic drug for thousands of years in Ayahuasca ceremonies to contact and experience the “higher realms.”
DMT is not orally active unless it is mixed with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), such as those found in the harmala alkaloids produced by plants like Banisteriopsis caapi (commonly called the ayahuasca vine) and Peganum harmala (commonly called syrian rue). Without an inhibitor, monoamine oxidase in the human body quickly breaks down DMT that has been ingested orally, and it has very little to no psychoactive effect. Pure DMT is usually injected or smoked.

what is Ayahuasca?
The word Ayahuasca is derived from two Quechua words (Quechua is an indigenous language of South America). Aya which means spirit, ancestor or deceased person, and Huasca which means vine or rope. Therefore Ayahuasca is sometimes referred toas ‘vine of the soul‘ or ‘vine of the dead‘.

Ayahuasca is the name given to a sacred plant medicine that comes from the Amazon rainforest where it has been used for many thousands of years by the indigenous people of the jungle.
However, this is no ordinary plant medicine. Most plant medicines don’t alter your entire view of reality while they’re healing you!
From a material perspective Ayahuasca is a foul-tasting liquid medicine that is brewed from two plants that grow in the Amazon rainforest. One of the plants is a jungle vine known as Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis Caapi) and the other is a green leafy plant called Chacruna (Psychotria viridis).


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