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Programmable matter and cyborg

I have two opinion on this topic Some elite want to make cyborg by installing robot into human Many of you would think this cyborg will be more intelligence and smarter than human but you are wrong in reality they want to corrupt the creation of God. Have you seen movie venom if you looked than you notice some dark colour matter slowly slowly cover the actor Tom Hardy After this Tom Hardy become more powerful than before and convert into desired shape the massage behind this movie is   programmable matter. Some elite and evil thing in world want to make a programmable matter for challenge God they actually want to corrupt the creation of God.

What does 'I am' mean?

The term "I am" seems to be quite powerful and is used more often than any of us even think about. Go said to Moses: "I am that I am" and he said "thus you shall say to the children of Israel I am has sent me to you."so what does I am means? I am mean God it means by passing God and cheating death. the elite have been trying to find ways to live forever for a long time now and they are getting close I am means hijacking God creation and changing it so it can defy death. which is not natural we are meant to live and die. it's as simple as that. Is anyone familiar with the pop star will I am? he is admittedly a futurist meaning  that he is big on the development of future technologies not to say that this is inherently bad but when you understand what I am actually means then it changes your perspective pretty quickly owns a company called 'I Am plus'. when you go to the About section of 'I Am Plus'

NASA Sees Fields of Green Spring up in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is drilling for a resource possibly more precious than oil. Over the last 24 years, it has tapped hidden reserves of water to grow wheat and other crops in the Syrian Desert. This time series of data shows images acquired by three different Landsat satellites operated by NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey. In this series of four Landsat images, the agricultural fields are about one kilometer across. Healthy vegetation appears bright green while dry vegetation appears orange. Barren soil is a dark pink, and urban areas, like the town of Tubarjal at the top of each image, have a purple hue. Credit: NASA/GSFC The green fields that dot the desert draw on water that in part was trapped during the last Ice Age. In addition to rainwater that fell over several hundred thousand years, this fossil water filled aquifers that are now buried deep under the desert's shifting sands. Saudi Arabia reaches these underground rivers and lakes by drilling through the desert floor,

Is the human brain just a biological computer? And it's amazing facts.

It is hard to believe a computer can grow by itself in the nature, our brain is much more complex than a super computer and one of the master piece of creations of God, the studies of the brain has not yet concluded even with the advanced cutting edge technologies are available.   God says in his final revelation, " He is the One who granted you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brains. little is it that you give thanks. " [Quran 23:78] It’s been likened to a powerful super computer. Famous brains have been cryogenic-ally frozen, in the hopes that one day; the most famous minds of our time will be resurrected once more. Most of us take our brains for granted, never thinking about the amazing organ, which, even more than our hearts, is so critical to our survival. Think about it. Without your brain processing information, you would never know what you’re hearing, seeing, smelling, or feeling. You would never dream, have no reasoning power, or have any mem

Generation, conduction and transmission of nervous impulse

Neurons are excitable cells because their membranes are in a polarised state. Do you know why the membrane of a neuron is polarised? Different types of ion channels are present on the neural membrane. These ion channels are selectively permeable to different ions. When a neuron is not conducting any impulse, i.e. resting, the axonal membrane is comparatively more permeable to potassium ions (K+) and nearly impermeable to sodium tons (Na+). Similarly. the membrane Is impermeable to negatively charged proteins present in the axoplasm. Consequently, the axoplasm inside the axon contains high concentration of K' and negatively charged proteins and low concentration of Na+. In contrast, the fluid outside the axon contains a low concentration of K+, a high concentration of Na+ and thus form a concentration gradient. These ionic gradients across the resting membrane are maintained by the active transport of ions by the sodium-potassium pump which transports 3 Na+ outwards for 2 K+ int