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What does 'I am' mean?

The term "I am" seems to be quite powerful and is used more often than any of us even think about.
Go said to Moses: "I am that I am" and he said "thus you shall say to the children of Israel I am has sent me to you."so what does I am means?
I am mean God it means by passing God and cheating death. the elite have been trying to find ways to live forever for a long time now and they are getting close I am means hijacking God creation and changing it so it can defy death.

which is not natural we are meant to live and die. it's as simple as that. Is anyone familiar with the pop star will I am?
he is admittedly a futurist meaning  that he is big on the development of future technologies not to say that this is inherently bad but when you understand what I am actually means then it changes your perspective pretty quickly owns a company called 'I Am plus'.
when you go to the About section of 'I Am Plus' it says this I am plus is a Hollywood based technology company our vision is to create  a community of creative and coders and believe that through music and technology as the first step we can usher in a powerful new era built on AI artificial intelligence of course so this is obviously a pro transhumanism company not to mention H+ is the abbreviation for transhumanism and there is a magazine called H+ dedicated entirely to transhumanism seems like a harmless pop artist that makes music for little kids but it goes much deeper than that in fact when you really pay attention to his music videos you see a lot of transhumanist symbolism it even shows in his work with the black-eyed peas let start with Beyonce and her album I am dot dot dot Sasha Fierce.
so I looked around a little and sure enough I found an ad for the Beyonce 2009 I am tour with her portrayed as a cyborg.
 I also found a picture from a performance where she was dressed like the Android from the 1927 movie metropolis.
in fact metropolis is one of the very first dystopian movies about transhumanism and still shows up in a lot of today pop music in the movie there is an inventor who creates a machine man that he considers to be the man of the future the Android has the ability of taking the form of any person and the inventor says that no one will be able to tell a machine-man from mortal it blows my mind that the transhumanists dream was already present back in the 1920.

And today we see Beyonce Kylie Minogue ,Janelle Monae, Christina Aguilera, Lady gaga and many more

paying homage to the metropolis whether they are in the know or not let check out a company called Humai
 this company is dedicated to figuring out how to upload people consciousness into computers in order to live forever
what interesting is that Humai backwards says "I am"
you can make this stuff up one of the people that worked there is Kate Aquino she listed as a futurist and she all over the Internet under the handle this Metaverse pushing the transhumanist agenda her father happens to be Michael Aquino a satanic high priest and founder of the temple of set.

 but not only that he was a lieutenant colonel for the United States military at the same time and the military was fully aware here an old newspaper article about Michael Aquino with the title devil worshiper holds sensitive Army Post and top brass says no problem.
 here he is hanging out with Anton Lavey the founder of the Church of Satan and it doesn't matte if you believe in that kind of stuff the scary thing is that they do believe it and they are acting on it one day everything in this world that was once natural will be synthetic  and without a soul and they are knowingly  and actively corrupting his creation to the  at least that's what they  think so what we are looking behind this whole agenda but they are being open about it because they are trying to sell it as making people superhuman.
 the whole term singularity refers to a point where artificial intelligence becomes greater in thinking potential than human consciousness human the human conscious mind.
of course it's complete nonsense because the opposite is the case it's not about making people superhuman it's about making them subhuman.

 it's about the end of humanity as we know it but in terms of anything that is the entire agenda of this transhumanist nightmare which is unfolding around us in which the singularity universe here is pushing and pushing and pushing the Kurzweil and Kull are pushing and pushing.


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