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How to Supercharge Your Dopamine Levels Naturally and Never Feel Depressed or Anxious Again

Dopamine is the brain’s master chemical.  This single neurotransmitter is responsible for a plethora of mental and physical processes. By learning how to stimulate your own dopamine levels naturally, you can overcome depression, anxiety, apathy, and fear, while boosting feelings of pleasure created by this amazing little neuron. Dopamine is what rewards certain behaviors in us so that we do them again, and why certain drugs are  so addictive .  Cocaine , heroine and other opiates cause a dopamine  “super reward”  which makes their use highly desirable, until you experience the dopamine crash that comes once the illicit drug is absent from the physiology. The opiates bind to the  opiate receptors  in the brain, increasing a dopamine release, but once gone, there is an ever-increasing need for more opiate (or other drug) to induce the same dopamine-high. This is what causes drug addicts to resort to ever increasing, negative behaviors to get their next  “fix.”  The dopamin

Solving Biology's Mysteries Using Quantum Mechanics

The new field of quantum biology applies the craziness of quantum physics to biology's most fundamental processes. There’s a fine line between being hailed as a visionary and being denounced as a crank, as Iraq-born physicist Jim Al-Khalili is only too aware. Seated in his office at the University of Surrey in the U.K. on a sunny day, he recalls a less tranquil time in his career, almost 15 years ago. Back then, he and his Surrey colleague, biologist Johnjoe McFadden, explored a strange mechanism to explain how DNA — the molecule that carries our genetic code — may mutate. Jim Al-Khalili University of Surrey Johnjoe McFadden University of Surrey Their theory caused a stir because it invoked quantum mechanics, the branch of physics that describes the behavior of particles in the subatomic realm. Their idea gave some insight into the origins of genetic mutations, which over the centuries have given rise to the variety of species in the biological kingdo

Why 40days frequently mentioned in Islamic text book and how to quit addiction and bad habits?

Recent research in neuroscience has shown that the brain synapses act like plastic and can be rewire or brain can rewire its neural pathways in remarkably little time(approx 40days). So to change a habit, continue practising namaj, meditate or perform some contemplative practice every day for 40 days and your brain will be rewired. You will then find you have a different perspective or point of view regarding the old behaviour, habits and addiction. Try it. Synaptic pruning  Synaptic pruning is the process of synapse eliminate the occur in a developing brain that is shedding unnecessary connection the selection of the pruned connection probably use it or lose it principal. For neuron that fire together wire together This means synapses that are frequently used have strong connection while the rarely use two synapse are eliminated. Synapses are links between neurons through which they communicate so they are structures of different patterns inside the brain, they

Computers Inspired by the Human Brain

You may be able to read this text effortlessly but don’t be fooled into thinking that reading is an easy task! It took you many years of learning and long hours in school to become proficient at recognizing letters and words. How does your brain do it? The brain consists of 10 billion cells called neurons. On average, each neuron is connected to 10,000 other neurons through connections called synapses. When you see or think of something, that input stimulus excites a neuron. If the input is high enough, the neuron passes an electric signal to the neighboring neurons, through their connecting synapses.  Synapses  are chemical bridges that can change their  electrical resistance  according to how much they are used—lower resistance if the connection between two neighboring neurons is important and higher resistance otherwise. The brain constantly creates such paths of electricity and modifies the synapses along the way, rewiring itself in order to learn and adapt to the environment

Consciousness Might Be a Result of Basic Physics, Say Researchers

Consciousness Might Be a Result of Basic Physics, Say Researchers Why is my awareness here, while yours is over there? Why is the universe split in two for each of us, into a subject and an infinity of objects? How is each of us our own center of experience, receiving information about the rest of the world out there?  Why are some things conscious  and others apparently not? Is a rat conscious? A gnat? A bacterium? These questions are all aspects of the ancient "mind-body problem," which asks, essentially: What is the relationship between mind and matter? It's resisted a generally satisfying conclusion for thousands of years. The mind-body problem enjoyed a major rebranding over the last two decades. Now it's generally known as the "hard problem" of consciousness, after  philosopher David Chalmers coined this term in a  now classic paper and further explored it in his 1996 book, " The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory