Recent research in neuroscience has shown that the brain synapses act like plastic and can be rewire or brain can rewire its neural pathways in remarkably little time(approx 40days). So to change a habit, continue practising namaj, meditate or perform some contemplative practice every day for 40 days and your brain will be rewired. You will then find you have a different perspective or point of view regarding the old behaviour, habits and addiction. Try it.
Synaptic pruning
Synaptic pruning is the process of synapse eliminate the occur in a developing brain that is shedding unnecessary connection the selection of the pruned connection probably use it or lose it principal.
For neuron that fire together wire together
This means synapses that are frequently used have strong connection while the rarely use two synapse are eliminated.
Synapses are links between neurons through which they communicate so they are structures of different patterns inside the brain, they determine behavior, personality, way of thinking and possibly memory storage, now the more you emphasize on your negative emotions, the more the synaptic pathways for negativity will become strong and you will become more negative. On the other hand, if you try to resist negativity and negative emotions and concentrate more on positivity, the positive pathways will become strengthened and negative synaptic pathways will become weaker until they completely deteriorate and you will have in your brain a changed synaptic structure (neural rewiring) but getting there wouldnt be possible with an attitude that gets you to negativity in the first place, that attitude includes outlook, mindset, diet and physical activity, if they're poor, becoming positive just by thinking would be hard so some of the things that are vital for a triggering a positive mindset according to empirical data are, regular exercise, healthy and balanced diet (gut is connected with the brain so digestive system has huge influence on the brain, infact the neurotransmitter serotonin that regulates mood and libido is present in more quantity in the gut than the brain, so a balanced diet is extremely vital), engaging in activities and avoiding lazy routines, a healthy lifestyle, positive thinking, a change in perception (extremely important) for example, research suggests that practicing a thankful mindset (doesn't necessarily mean thankfulness to some sort of god) and an envy free mind is absolutely necessary to trigger a positive outlook and perception.
How Neurons Communicate
Synaptic pruning is the process of synapse eliminate the occur in a developing brain that is shedding unnecessary connection the selection of the pruned connection probably use it or lose it principal.
For neuron that fire together wire together
This means synapses that are frequently used have strong connection while the rarely use two synapse are eliminated.
Synapses are links between neurons through which they communicate so they are structures of different patterns inside the brain, they determine behavior, personality, way of thinking and possibly memory storage, now the more you emphasize on your negative emotions, the more the synaptic pathways for negativity will become strong and you will become more negative. On the other hand, if you try to resist negativity and negative emotions and concentrate more on positivity, the positive pathways will become strengthened and negative synaptic pathways will become weaker until they completely deteriorate and you will have in your brain a changed synaptic structure (neural rewiring) but getting there wouldnt be possible with an attitude that gets you to negativity in the first place, that attitude includes outlook, mindset, diet and physical activity, if they're poor, becoming positive just by thinking would be hard so some of the things that are vital for a triggering a positive mindset according to empirical data are, regular exercise, healthy and balanced diet (gut is connected with the brain so digestive system has huge influence on the brain, infact the neurotransmitter serotonin that regulates mood and libido is present in more quantity in the gut than the brain, so a balanced diet is extremely vital), engaging in activities and avoiding lazy routines, a healthy lifestyle, positive thinking, a change in perception (extremely important) for example, research suggests that practicing a thankful mindset (doesn't necessarily mean thankfulness to some sort of god) and an envy free mind is absolutely necessary to trigger a positive outlook and perception.
How Neurons Communicate
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