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"Food is not just calories,it is information It talks to your DNA and tells it what to do."

"Food is not just calories,it is information
It talks to your DNA and tells it what to do."
The most powerful tool to change your health, environment and entire world, is your fork.
Food is not just calories,it is information  It talks to your DNA and tells it what to do

But how food is information
Explanation:- Different different foods contain different different protein and chemical
And every protein related to one genes as we know that
Every genes contain A, G,C and T in different different pattern and order like that information
So food is not calories it is information.

If you take plant in your diet it is easy to digest because plants are made of simple information so it is easily degradable.
But in case of nonveg it is tough to digest because nonveg is made of very complex information so it not easily degradable.


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